Fleet Management Blog
Check out fleet management tips, new and trends on EZtoTrack's blog
National Truck Driver Appreciation Week - Heroes Week
This year’s National Truck Driver Appreciation Week is September 13–19, 2020. But 2020 also takes on a special significance considering the crucial role truck drivers have played during the COVID-19 pandemic…
How GPS Tracking can help you adapt to the new normal
The trucking industry has witnessed dramatic change in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every fleet. Some have seen an uptick in business, while other businesses have suffered. But most fleets seem to feel the worst is behind us, and are now looking towards the new normal.
Driver safety in a Pandemic
Whether driving long hours or short distances - cross-country or within state borders - this country relies on the brave men and women at the forefront of supply delivery. Here are some helpful tips and hints to practice safe precautionary measures to ensure a lower chance for infection and transmission during truck driver’s daily routes.